What does play look like in the twenty first century?
This article appeared in Imperica
Why are we so obsessed with how children play? It is a rich topic certainly; the mind’s ear resonates with the innocent delight of shrieks and
On being the Other
There are many aspects of 'identity'.
It has always felt odd that people are allowed to 'identify' as all sorts of things as long as it doesn'
in defence of shame.
A letter to my American cousins in (partial) defence of the UK’s farcical, shambolic, yet honourable (‘ish) democratic humiliation (and how…
Happy Trans Visibility Day. Also, can we stop doing this now?
No one should be celebrating trans woman today. Celebrate us as women, celebrate our achievements, everyday, any day but not one day dedicated to making the atypical quality of our foetal gestation visible.
This day is the worst.
About intersections (not the road kind).
A smart friend once said to another smart friend: "when people talk about straight white men it’s essentializing and dehumanising and I don’t think it’s fair."
The friend replied.. "Well, exactly - that’s what happens to us all of the time; it’s just you guys aren’t used to it."
When Mashable asked me about transphobia.
In an elegant piece by Rachel Thompson for Mashable I was given the chance to think a little more deeply about my trans activism. The article is great. This is the less edited, less elegant, directors cut.
Why Diversity Can Be Nonsensical
Profile by Emily Gosling at AIGA
We probably don’t need to give Tea Uglow much of an introduction. She’s the creative director of Google Creative Lab in Sydney, after working
Does the sun go around the earth? .. and other reasons why we don’t understand gender.
Sometimes a sub-editor’s decision on a strap-line like this can skew a whole article’s perspective.
Thanks Guardian...
Intersectionality is the new Black
I was pleased to discover that Ghandi’s faux-quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world” really comes from a much simpler root: “We need not wait to see what others do”.
What’s the most famous photo of you?
Which image of you has had more influence than any other?
Chances are it’s a profile photo.
Fucking AI.. Thoughts on Neural Networks, Art, and Driverless Culture.
What are the secondary and tertiary implications of the emergence of Machine Learning for the creative community? My friend and long term-collaborator, John Gerard’s LACMA research project: Neural Exchange created a
Editions At Play. Why?
In 2015 we* began a project to ask and answer a lot of questions that seem to be becoming popular in late 2016. Which is the way we like…
What hope looks like post-Obama
In 5 years time Facebook will show you your posts from this time, as a distant memory.
I want to share. Because I’m working this through.So here’s how that’s going.
Technology has always reinvented art.
Imagine all of culture as a series of rock-pools. The tide comes in, it goes out, the water drains away. Occasionally a high tide catapults…
Everything to come is designed by you.
Welcome to a new age of design—a time when anyone, anywhere can instantly iterate, model, prototype, publish and promote. This is a fascinating by-product of the overnight democratisation of production (making)
How 'digital' can mean 'brand'
Dear ECD's.
Let us change the world... Actually, no, let's stick to advertising. But, really, billboards, why? What are they? They aren’t interactive. You can’t click
Playable Cities [2014]
Shouldn’t the cities of the future be fun, too?When lamp posts talk back.
There is no shortage of visionaries when it comes to imagining the future city. That phrase alone
Hidden cameras are simply scary.
Sight is a great short film sharing the anxiety of the times (also must see Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror)
For me the interesting thing is seeing the fear of covert
It's all about being creative... apparently.
🔮Videos about creativity - what is it?!
It seems that just right now, everyone wants to be creative, which is nice because I'm creative and it's nice to
TV and Tablet in an Apple-esque singularity moment. Yes and No thank you.
This is a nice concept piece about how TV should be used alongside everything else. And mainly I am like - yes! Everything should be like that please! And then I realise
Bre Pettis :: The Cult of Done Manifesto
via brepettis.com
This is most awesome. and so completely appropriate to how I like to work (and subsequently feel everyone else should work) - it is perfectly brilliant.
From: http://www.
so, 'millennials' c.2010
My main takeaway is that apparently I am "dead".
So overall it's a bit sort of "yes, and...", lots of hard work to say young people
If someone unlogo'd your campaign - would users know it was you?
I love this video mainly because it's a question I love to ask at Google:
tiltshiftmaker.com :: am conflicted by this - what happens when photography is automagicalized?
via tiltshiftmaker.com
3 easy steps!
Upload. Select focal point. press go.
- and this is
Who to vote for...
Who to vote for?!
Such a dilemma, especially as this UK election is dominated by the personalities of the leaders of the three main parties - who are in turn: dour, smug
Flash is like sugary buns
You know what the problem with sugary buns is? They're bad for you. Yet they're also yummy.
Same with Flash. A Flash based-site is typically super shiny and
Branding is like politics
Thinking about a brand as a political party approaching an election.
We know political parties understand branding. At a certain point in the political calendar they begin to identify their users, divide
What is truth anymore anyway?
The idea of true and false is in trouble. And not because of quantum physics.
Lot's of remarkably unbelievable things are true. But most aren't believable because they&
On cronyism [UK]
Fun topic for the week has been pointing out how corrupt we are and quite how loudly we would tut-tut if we heard about it happening in Kenya (or the developing world
Is design about enabling or just rules
I was talking and walking on the mobile today ranting and raving about design-repression.
This is the bit of design where either the style guidelines are set down so tight you can&
Water crimes
1 in 5 people in the world doesn't have access to clean water; the UK spends 2billion USD a year on bottled water.
Our local water supplier (Thames) has multi-million
I'm having a battle today (and everyday) with what constitutes a productive response to Lebanon and Iraq for a white, well-off, liberal, uk-based designer.
I marched all through my twenties
Strata of web-ness
It occurs to me that we are diverging in technical ability.
It's now 20 years since kids started flunking IT classes and for every year of that twenty someone has